For unified analysis across all systems, teams utilize Guru’s Analytics API to bring Guru data into the analytics tool of their choice. Guru Analytics provides insight into how and where your knowledge is used, as well as how that knowledge impacts your team's performance. Combining this with your existing performance data can help you understand Guru’s effect on your KPIs. Additionally, you can build out dashboards for your team specific to behaviors you’re looking to encourage, such as top question asker by Collection.
General Events
You can export all events using GET /v1/teams/{teamId}/analytics?fromDate=&toDate=
This includes all tracked usage events in Guru, such as verification, Card creation, Card views etc. The fromDate
indicates the request should return all events with a date greater than or equal to this date. The toDate indicates the request should return all events with a date less than or equal to this date. See the Paging documentation to see how to process all results.
Team Data
You can utilize the Team Stats endpoint, GET /v1/teams/{teamId}/stats
to find your team’s current Card analytics, total number of Cards and the number of Cards in each verification state. This is helpful when you’re looking for a summary of your Team’s content health.
See the API reference for greater detail on event exports or team stats.
Updated over 1 year ago